Saturday, October 6, 2012

What's in a Name?

Seriously though.  Good question Shakespeare.
I've got one of those names that you can do anything with.  Like seriously I've had so many nicknames it's ridiculous.
Sammy, Sammy Jo, JoJo, Sam, Sam Jo, Sammie (I decided to change the spelling in fifth grade so I'm counting it as a different name), and Samantha.
What is with our obsession with names anyway?  I only bring it up because I've been starting to think I should switch back to Samantha.  The original.  There's so much effort there though.  I have to get all my friends to start calling me by that rather than Sam and sheesh.  Plus I'm not crazy about my name it's so vanilla.  The number of people I know with my name.... it's just ridiculous.  Nutso.  Obnoxious.  At the same time though I'm bored with Sam, I dunno.  It just seems so silly to worry about something so trivial and yet we all do it. So truly, what's in a name?

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