I'm a planner, an organizer, a list-maker, a pinterester. So I like to record how I want to live my life presently. I say presently because I change my mind every other day. Literally. And for kicks, I'll add in a little bit about my past given that this is my first post and that there is the possibility that IF somebody reads this they MIGHT have in interest in me. (Highly unlikely on both fronts I'm aware).

THE PAST I've lived in one town and one house my whole life. I live in the center of the US. That's right folks. The Midwest. But it's not too bad. I've grown up in a college town so it tends to be very liberal and open minded which suits me quite well. Since three I have been a dancer and loved it. From age six to fourteen I played soccer. From age 15 to now I've been a show-choir-er in my high school show choir. I love it because it combines dance and singing (which I have always loved avidly, but didn't actively participate in until age ten). I guess that sums it up? I dunno, my past is just not as interesting to me as my future.
THE PRESENT I'm a currently a high schooler, about to enter my junior year. That means I'm obsessing over grades, extra-curricular, and standardized test scores. It's lovely. ( That's heavy sarcasm my friends). Especially when you're a perfectionist like myself. Anyway, my present is entirely about my future which I think is fine. Like my dad always says "you don't want to peak in high school."
Near Future
From my trip to University of ChicagoCollege is absolutely 100% in my plans. Hands down. But WHICH college is another matter entirely. There are a couple of schools that have held my attention for whatever short amount of time I've given them. (University of Chicago, Yale, NYU, Brown, etc. You get the idea. One of those impossible to get into schools *sighs*). At the moment I'm not obsessed with any school (U of C was the most recent obsession, I actually visited the campus a couple months ago) but I know I'll be attending one somewhere, someday. What I do know about college is that for the moment I want to study English Literature with a minor in Creative Writing (or something along those lines). If it's not obvious based on my interests, I'll be more clear. I want to be a writer. Well a novelist to be exact. But anyway, after I graduate with honors (haha right) I'll probably attend graduate school (? I say with some hesitation- do novelists go to grad school?). Well if they do, I want to go to school in London. Or anywhere in the UK but London would be excellent. I've already researched becoming a citizen. I'll live their with a student visa long enough to become an official citizen! Gosh that sounds nuttz (sorry for using a z in such a horrible 6th grade like manner, but in context it kinda works. Right? Anyone? Just me? Ok then) but I have always wanted to be a Brit and a part of me just connects deeply with the country, culture, and people.
The Slightly Farther But Not Too Far Future
So I'm a novelist, I live in London, and I'm an official citizen of the UK. What's next you ask? WELL OHOHO, you are in for a treat. I get married! Alright let me break it down for you. WARNING- part of having a creative mind means you create scenarios that don't exist or are unlikely to ever exist. Oh the writer's burden. Anyway, without further ado: how I meet my husband!I pull on my rain boots and Burberry coat, toss my laptop in my bag along with an umbrella (its London people. It rains) and head out the door. I run down the street because I like the rain, my umbrella is out of reach, and of course it's raining buckets. Pulling a Kramer (Seinfeld anyone?) I skid into my favorite coffee shop where I do most of my writing and plop down in my usual spot. Or rather try to, but someones in it. I eye him angrily (it's MY spot plus I have a flair for drama) and sit down in a FAR MORE UNCOMFORTABLE but nearby seat. I am positioned to spring as soon as he leaves. My eyes continuously flit to the table as he finishes his tea. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SLOWER TEA DRINKER. So he's finally starting to pack up his stuff and finish off the tea, I move reflectively. I still want that spot. He gets up. I make my way towards the table. He makes his way to me, gosh that guy could smirk. OH CRAP, he's seen my angry glances. I pause momentarily and embrace myself for an uncomfortable confrontation. It doesn't come. The guy brushes past and heads out the door. Relief washes over me, but my inner maniacal laugh is interrupted when I see another guy coming to claim my spot. NOT THIS TIME YOU GOON. I move fast. He sees my intent to WIN THIS TABLE. We get there at the same time and he's chuckling. Do you see humor in these eyes my friend? I discreetly slide into the booth as he continues to giggle. (Yeah he giggles)."Alright you can have the table," he croons all Britishly."THANKS" I cry victoriously." Should've known you'd want the booth. I see you in it every morning when I come to get my morning tea."I finally look up at him, scrutinizing this loser in the table war. He doesn't look loserish. In fact he's rather handsome."Well I'm a writer and the ambiance in the place makes feel all artish."He laughs again. He doesn't think artish is a word. Creative licence my friends, creative license. He says he wants to buy me a tea. I decline. I don't want to spill on my Macbook. He buys me one anyway, but he's not too pushy. He leaves the shop and I finally allow myself to smile at my computer because hey, Sam likey.So that's that. My dream scenario. Ok well that girl's not really me, but I kind of like her. She's quirky. Sometimes writers like to embellish and twist the truth. The point here is, he's (going to be) a legitimately a nice guy.I'm not yet sure about my further future yet because that's starting to get into no man's land (is that the correct usage? eh? oh well).
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