Saturday, October 6, 2012

Book Club

                                        The Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy 

I've finally decided! Book club for this month will be The Casual Vacancy.  Originally I had started reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but when I remembered the lovely JK Rowling had a new book out I had to stop everything and rush to Barnes and Noble.  I'm very excited to read this and share my thoughts about the book. Hopefully I'll be done by the end of October and next month we can go back to The Hunchback! :)  I've read one chapter so far, but it was so short that I am going to read one or too more before summarizing and analyzing. I'll post soon though promise!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    So what did you make of the book? I've just finished reading Part 1 and it has been BORING beyond belief. I am just having to drag myself through this rubbish. And I can't stop because I've already started.

    Her language seems so forced in this... trying to very consciously make it seem like an adult novel... whereas Harry Potter was effortless.

    I found your blog trying to find reviews who thought what I thought about this book. J K Rowling has failed me with this. Disappointed.
