Saturday, October 13, 2012

Homecoming Part Two


Last night was my school's homecoming! Because the the college football team has a game today we decided to throw the dance and football game on Friday night with the dance directly proceeding the game.  This meant that we had to dress up for the game which I was originally kind of upset about (who wants to wear heels to a football game?) but I ended up really enjoying myself!  Before the game my friends Kelsey, Megan, and myself went to dinner at Bangkok Gardens a Thai restaurant in town.  We got to the game pretty late (middle of halftime) just in time to hear who was crowned homecoming queen.  The game went into overtime but we won!  Unfortunately, because a group of my friends and I made plans to go to a movie at 10 (Pitch Perfect- it was amazing), we didn't have time to go to the dance after the game, but ultimately I didn't mind because I got to dress up for dinner and the game.

There will hopefully be another post to follow with more pictures of the fun night!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Book Club

                                        The Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy 

I've finally decided! Book club for this month will be The Casual Vacancy.  Originally I had started reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but when I remembered the lovely JK Rowling had a new book out I had to stop everything and rush to Barnes and Noble.  I'm very excited to read this and share my thoughts about the book. Hopefully I'll be done by the end of October and next month we can go back to The Hunchback! :)  I've read one chapter so far, but it was so short that I am going to read one or too more before summarizing and analyzing. I'll post soon though promise!

Pinterest Friday

Sorry I'm a day late again, but here are my favorite images of the week!

Bad Day, Better Friends

Today was a rough day for me. The details are boring but to get to the good stuff, I'll just say that I was crying all day. Now some of this wasn't just bad day induced. It was amazing-beautiful-fabulous friends induced. You know when you're feeling down but you've pulled it together? But then someone comes over and asks if you're ok and gives you a hug? Well t always makes me cry harder because of how beautiful and wonderful these people around me are. I'm touched by all the love and caring around me an am truly thankful for what I've been given. These pictures document how lovely and amazing my friends are. And to explain the milk duds which may not seem like a big deal, let me tell you they are. I have this crazy obsession with milk duds so it was incredible for my friend Maddie to run out during her AUT (free period) and buy me three boxes (I already made my way through one by the time I took the picture). Anyway thanks to my friends and everyone around me for inspiring me and lifting me up when my heart turns to lead. You guys are what keep me going.

Pinterest Friday

Party plans and Paris on Pinterest Friday

A Little Gold

this tea cup is too precious

Golden bumble bee bobby pins, perfectly at home nestled in a messy up do.

I follow back if I like your blog

last four images from:

The Bird and the Cage

I often feel like I'm trapping myself, keeping myself from my potential.  I wrote this with this in mind to remind myself that I'm the only one holding myself back. I don't want to be the cage any more.

Pushing Myself

Y'all know that I want to be a writer.  For all sorts of reasons I feel like it's what I'm meant to do.  But here's the problem, I don't read enough.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE (capital L O V E, LOVE) reading.  I just don't feel like I have the time between keeping up my grades, going to all my clubs, and participating in the musical.  The irony is that as I sit here and type this I'm watching the Emmy's on ABC. I've been sitting here for hours today just biding my time until some higher power lifts me off the couch and plops me in front of my bookshelf.  Why can't I just do it? Well any way, in an attempt to get my ass out of the nice indentation I've created on our couch, I've decided to start a "book club" here on my blog.  Maybe it will be the appropriate motivation to get me to actually read (hopefully at least a book a month- that's my goal).  I haven't decided which book to start off with but I will update you as soon as I decide!  Maybe I'll do a post every chapter I read.  I suppose it will depend on the book.

Because I like to give some visual interest to each of my posts I've included a set of images and quotes from my For the Writer board on Pinterest which I use to inspire me to write.
Oh gosh. I just want to write.

Throwback Sunday

I've been cleaning out files on my computer and I came across a few gems from when I was little. Enjoy :)

Pinterest Friday

Oops. It's Saturday and I already forgot about Pinterest Friday.  On week two. *Sheepish grin*
Maybe my unorganized timetables actually worked out better this week because today is the first day of Autumn! Yay! It's about time, don't you think?  I've been waiting for so long for the cool, crisp fall air.  I'm just much more of a sweater girl than tank tops and jeans.  In the spirit of cooling air and changing leaves I've got two Fall inspired Pinterest set motivated mostly by my desire for sweaters! Enjoy.

Dressing for Europe

All from here.